At StoryTime Curriculum, we make math fun, interactive, and stress-free for preschoolers! Our math concepts are built into weekly themes that focus on hands-on learning, curiosity, and exploration. Each unit introduces a unique math focus like counting, patterns, or problem-solving, so kids build confidence while having a blast. Below is a simple breakdown of our 12 Units, their themes, objectives, and how they align with preschool learning guidelines.
Unit 1: Counting
Weekly Themes: Numbers 1-10, Counting Songs, Finger Play
Objective: Help children understand numbers and practice counting.
Math Focus: Counting objects and numbers.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.V.A.1: Child demonstrates understanding of numbers by verbally counting objects.
PK4.V.B.1: Child recognizes numerals 1-10.
Unit 2: Sorting and Classifying Objects
Weekly Themes: Colors, Sizes, Shapes
Objective: Teach children how to group objects by characteristics.
Math Focus: Sorting by size, color, and shape.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.V.C.1: Child sorts objects into categories.
PK4.V.D.1: Child compares objects by attributes.
Unit 3: One-to-One Correspondence
Weekly Themes: Matching Numbers to Objects
Objective: Develop skills in matching numbers to quantities.
Math Focus: Counting one object per number.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.V.A.2: Child demonstrates one-to-one correspondence with objects.
PK4.V.B.2: Child understands that numbers represent quantities.
Unit 4: Shapes and Patterns
Weekly Themes: Shape Hunts, Pattern Play
Objective: Explore shapes and create simple patterns.
Math Focus: Identifying shapes and repeating patterns.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.V.C.3: Child recognizes and names basic shapes.
PK4.V.D.3: Child extends and creates patterns.
Unit 5: Measuring
Weekly Themes: Height, Length, Weight
Objective: Introduce measurement concepts in everyday life.
Math Focus: Comparing and measuring objects.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.V.E.1: Child uses language to describe measurement.
PK4.V.E.2: Child uses simple tools to measure objects.
Unit 6: Number Writing and Representation
Weekly Themes: Tracing, Writing, Representing Numbers
Objective: Teach number writing and visual representation.
Math Focus: Writing numerals 1-10.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.V.B.3: Child writes numbers to represent quantities.
PK4.V.F.1: Child creates drawings to represent numbers.ns.
Unit 7: Addition and Subtraction
Weekly Themes: Adding and Taking Away with Objects
Objective: Introduce basic addition and subtraction concepts.
Math Focus: Using objects to add and subtract.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.V.G.1: Child solves simple addition problems with objects.
PK4.V.G.2: Child solves simple subtraction problems with objects.
Unit 8: Graphing and Data Representation
Weekly Themes: Charting Favorites, Simple Bar Graphs
Objective: Teach how to collect, organize, and display data.
Math Focus: Creating and reading simple graphs.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.V.H.1: Child organizes information into graphs.
PK4.V.H.2: Child uses graphs to answer questions.
Unit 9: Shapes in Nature
Weekly Themes: Nature Walks, Natural Patterns
Objective: Explore shapes and patterns found in nature.
Math Focus: Identifying shapes in the environment.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.V.C.4: Child identifies shapes in the real world.
PK4.V.D.4: Child recognizes patterns in natural objects.
Unit 10: Telling Time
Weekly Themes: Daily Routines, Clock Exploration
Objective: Introduce concepts of time and clocks.
Math Focus: Understanding basic time (morning, afternoon, evening).
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.V.I.1: Child understands sequencing in daily routines.
PK4.V.I.2: Child identifies parts of a clock.
Unit 11: Counting Money
Weekly Themes: Coins, Pretend Store Play
Objective: Teach children about coins and basic money concepts.
Math Focus: Recognizing coins and simple counting.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.V.J.1: Child identifies coins by name.
PK4.V.J.2: Child counts coins with adult guidance.
Unit 12: Problem Solving
Weekly Themes: Building Blocks, Puzzle Play
Objective: Develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Math Focus: Solving simple math-related problems.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.V.K.1: Child uses logical thinking to solve problems.
PK4.V.K.2: Child explains steps to solve a problem.
At StoryTime Curriculum, we make learning fun, creative, and stress-free for preschoolers! Our literacy concepts are woven into weekly themes that bring learning to life. These themes focus on hands-on activities that spark curiosity, build skills, and create magical moments. Each unit introduces a unique literacy focus like letter recognition, storytelling, and vocabulary building. Below is a simple breakdown of our 12 Units, their themes, objectives, and how they align with preschool learning guidelines.
Objective: Help children explore who they are, their families, and their community.
Identity and Self-Awareness
All About Me
All About Me
Community Helpers
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.II.A.1: Child shows understanding by responding appropriately to questions about themselves and others.
PK4.II.B.1: Child uses language to describe personal experiences.
Objective: Foster curiosity about changes in nature during fall.
Seasonal Changes and Nature in Fall
Monster Week
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.II.D.1: Child recognizes words and patterns in rhymes.
PK4.II.C.2: Child identifies words related to themes.
Objective: Teach gratitude and the importance of family and sharing.Thanksgiving
Gratitude and Family
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.II.E.1: Child retells or creates stories with key details.
PK4.II.C.3: Child engages in conversations about family traditions.
Objective: Explore cultural traditions and stories through celebrations.
Celebrations and Cultural Stories
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.II.E.2: Child understands and uses sequencing words.
PK4.II.B.3: Child provides appropriate details in conversations.
Objective: Discover the wonders of winter and snowy habitats.
Snow and Winter Animals
Polar Animals
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.II.C.4: Child identifies sounds of letters in words.
PK4.II.A.2: Child follows three-step directions related to themes.
Objective: Build emotional awareness and positive social skills.
Emotions and Relationships
Fairy Tales
Dental Health
Color Week
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.II.B.4: Child matches language to emotions and social contexts.
PK4.II.D.3: Child engages with texts about emotions.
Objective: Understand how plants and animals grow and change.
Growth and Life Cycles
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.II.D.2: Child produces rhyming words.
PK4.II.A.1: Child demonstrates comprehension of stories about life cycles.
Objective: Teach responsibility for taking care of the earth.
Caring for Our Planet
Earth Week
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.II.C.1: Child identifies words related to themes about the environment.
PK4.II.E.3: Child discusses ways to help the planet.
Objective: Spark excitement for exploring nature and wildlife.
Outdoor Exploration and Wildlife
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.II.E.4: Child explores nonfiction texts with guidance.
PK4.II.C.3: Child asks questions about outdoor and wildlife topics.
Objective: Dive into learning about ocean animals and their homes.
Ocean Animals and Habitats
Ocean Animals,
Beach Fun
Underwater Exploration
Pirates and Treasure Hunts
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.II.E.2: Child creates and illustrates short descriptions of animals.
PK4.II.D.5: Child recognizes common sight words in writing.
Objective: Explore the wonders of space and our solar system.
The Solar System and Stars
Space Exploration
Rocket Science
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.II.C.4: Child learns and uses new vocabulary words about space.
PK4.II.E.1: Child shares ideas from books about stars and planets.
Objective: Introduce technology and encourage creative thinking.
Technology and Imagination
Building Robots
Coding for Kids
Robot Adventures
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.II.C.5: Child describes steps to solve problems in stories.
PK4.II.E.2: Child engages in imaginative play with story elements.
Science is all about curiosity, discovery, and hands-on fun! In the StoryTime Curriculum, preschoolers explore science concepts through exciting weekly themes that make learning interactive and magical. From the five senses to building and engineering, each unit sparks curiosity while building foundational science skills. Here’s an easy-to-follow breakdown of our 12 Units, their themes, objectives, and preschool learning guideline alignments.
Unit 1: The Five Senses
Weekly Themes: Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, Touching
Objective: Introduce children to their five senses and how they help us explore the world.
Science Focus: Observing and identifying sensory experiences.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.VI.A.1: Child identifies the five senses and their uses.
PK4.VI.B.1: Child uses senses to explore the environment.
Unit 2: Observing Seasonal Change
Weekly Themes: Weather, Leaves, Temperature, Fall and Winter Changes
Objective: Teach children about the characteristics of seasons.
Science Focus: Observing changes in weather and nature.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.VI.C.1: Child observes and describes seasonal patterns.
PK4.VI.C.2: Child recognizes weather changes.
Unit 3: Food and Nutrition
Weekly Themes: Healthy Eating, Fruits and Vegetables, Food Groups
Objective: Help children learn about healthy food choices and nutrition.
Science Focus: Exploring food sources and benefits.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.VI.D.1: Child identifies healthy foods.
PK4.VI.D.2: Child discusses the importance of nutrition.
Unit 4: Light and Shadows
Weekly Themes: Sunlight, Shadows, Reflection, Day and Night
Objective: Introduce the concept of light and how shadows are formed.
Science Focus: Experimenting with light and shadow play.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.VI.E.1: Child observes and describes light and shadows.
PK4.VI.E.2: Child explores the effects of light sources.
Unit 5: Sink or Float
Weekly Themes: Water Play, Buoyancy, Experimentation
Objective: Teach children to predict and test if objects sink or float.
Science Focus: Conducting simple experiments with water.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.VI.F.1: Child predicts and tests properties of objects in water.
PK4.VI.F.2: Child uses inquiry skills to draw conclusions.
Unit 6: Human Growth and Body
Weekly Themes: Body Parts, Growing Up, Healthy Habits
Objective: Teach children about their bodies and how they grow.
Science Focus: Understanding human growth and development.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.VI.G.1: Child identifies body parts and functions.
PK4.VI.G.2: Child recognizes changes as they grow.
Unit 7: Plant Growth and Life Cycles
Weekly Themes: Seeds, Flowers, Trees, Life Cycle of a Plant
Objective: Explore how plants grow and their life cycles.
Science Focus: Observing plant growth and caring for plants.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.VI.H.1: Child identifies stages of plant growth.
PK4.VI.H.2: Child participates in caring for plants.
Unit 8: Recycling and Conservation
Weekly Themes: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Caring for the Earth
Objective: Teach children the importance of protecting our planet.
Science Focus: Learning about recycling and conservation.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.VI.I.1: Child identifies ways to recycle and conserve resources.
PK4.VI.I.2: Child participates in recycling activities.
Unit 9: Insects and Animals in Nature
Weekly Themes: Butterflies, Bugs, Forest Animals, Habitats
Objective: Explore insects and animals in their natural habitats.
Science Focus: Observing and learning about nature’s creatures.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.VI.J.1: Child identifies insects and animals.
PK4.VI.J.2: Child explores how animals interact with their environment.
Unit 10: Ocean Animals and Habitats
Weekly Themes: Fish, Coral Reefs, Ocean Life
Objective: Teach children about ocean animals and their habitats.
Science Focus: Exploring marine life and ecosystems.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.VI.K.1: Child identifies ocean animals and their characteristics.
PK4.VI.K.2: Child describes ocean habitats.
Unit 11: Stars and Planets
Weekly Themes: Moon, Stars, Planets, Space Exploration
Objective: Introduce children to space and celestial objects.
Science Focus: Learning about the solar system and stars.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.VI.L.1: Child identifies celestial objects.
PK4.VI.L.2: Child explores concepts of space and planets.
Unit 12: Building and Engineering
Weekly Themes: Towers, Bridges, Simple Machines
Objective: Encourage creativity through building and engineering activities.
Science Focus: Experimenting with materials and problem-solving.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.VI.M.1: Child constructs simple structures.
PK4.VI.M.2: Child explores basic engineering concepts.
Writing is a journey of creativity, confidence, and skill-building! In the StoryTime Curriculum, preschoolers develop essential writing skills step-by-step through engaging activities and weekly themes. From holding a pencil to writing words and celebrating their progress, each unit builds upon the last to inspire young writers. Here’s a clear and simple breakdown of our 12 Units, their themes, objectives, and preschool learning guideline alignments.
Unit 1: Holding a Pencil and Drawing Lines
Weekly Themes: Pencil Grip, Drawing Straight Lines, Zigzags, Curves
Objective: Teach proper pencil grip and build fine motor skills.
Writing Focus: Learning to control a pencil with confidence.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.III.A.1: Child uses writing tools with increasing control.
PK4.III.A.2: Child demonstrates fine motor coordination.
Unit 2: Drawing Shapes
Weekly Themes: Circles, Squares, Triangles, Ovals
Objective: Practice drawing basic shapes to prepare for writing letters and numbers.
Writing Focus: Strengthening pre-writing skills through shape formation.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.III.B.1: Child draws recognizable shapes.
PK4.III.B.2: Child uses shapes to represent ideas.
Unit 3: Tracing Letters and Numbers
Weekly Themes: Tracing A-E, 1-5, F-J, 6-10
Objective: Introduce tracing as a foundation for writing letters and numbers.
Writing Focus: Developing coordination for tracing.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.III.C.1: Child begins to trace letters and numbers.
PK4.III.C.2: Child recognizes letter and number shapes.
Unit 4: Tracing More Letters and Numbers
Weekly Themes: Tracing K-O, P-T, U-Z, Numbers 11-20
Objective: Reinforce tracing skills with additional letters and numbers.
Writing Focus: Building muscle memory for letter and number formation.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.III.D.1: Child improves consistency in tracing letters and numbers.
PK4.III.D.2: Child recognizes patterns in written symbols.
Unit 5: Writing Simple Lines and Curves
Weekly Themes: Straight Lines, Curved Lines, Line Patterns
Objective: Transition from tracing to freehand writing of simple lines and curves.
Writing Focus: Strengthening foundational writing strokes.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.III.E.1: Child writes basic strokes with control.
PK4.III.E.2: Child experiments with writing patterns.
Unit 6: Writing First Name
Weekly Themes: Name Tracing, Name Writing Practice, Letter Sounds in Names
Objective: Teach children to write their first name.
Writing Focus: Connecting letters to form their name.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.III.F.1: Child writes first name independently.
PK4.III.F.2: Child recognizes letters in their name.
Unit 7: Writing Uppercase Letters
Weekly Themes: A-G, H-M, N-T, U-Z
Objective: Practice writing uppercase letters with proper formation.
Writing Focus: Focusing on size, spacing, and alignment.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.III.G.1: Child writes uppercase letters legibly.
PK4.III.G.2: Child associates uppercase letters with sounds.
Unit 8: Writing Numbers 1-10
Weekly Themes: Numbers 1-3, 4-6, 7-10
Objective: Develop the ability to write numbers 1-10 clearly.
Writing Focus: Mastering proper number formation.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.III.H.1: Child writes numbers 1-10 accurately.
PK4.III.H.2: Child understands number representation.
Unit 9: Writing First and Last Name
Weekly Themes: Tracing Last Name, Writing First and Last Name Together
Objective: Teach children to write both first and last names.
Writing Focus: Connecting multiple words in writing.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.III.I.1: Child writes first and last name legibly.
PK4.III.I.2: Child identifies letters in both names.
Unit 10: Writing Letters and Numbers
Weekly Themes: Mixed Practice with Letters and Numbers
Objective: Reinforce writing letters and numbers together.
Writing Focus: Combining skills for cohesive writing practice.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.III.J.1: Child writes letters and numbers with increased confidence.
PK4.III.J.2: Child integrates writing into daily activities.
Unit 11: Writing Words and Names
Weekly Themes: Writing Sight Words, Family Names, Simple Words
Objective: Encourage writing of simple words and names.
Writing Focus: Forming words using learned letters.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.III.K.1: Child writes simple words independently.
PK4.III.K.2: Child uses writing to express ideas.
Unit 12: Writing Review and Celebrating Success
Weekly Themes: Reviewing Skills, Celebrating Writing Achievements
Objective: Reflect on progress and celebrate writing milestones.
Writing Focus: Confidence-building through review and recognition.
Preschool Guidelines:
PK4.III.L.1: Child demonstrates improved writing skills.
PK4.III.L.2: Child takes pride in their writing accomplishments.